It's been a busy and sunny week. I think Summer is here?
A rundown on how I have been working for you:
Met with council officers and community groups to discuss how civil society can mindfully and carefully reopen and restart projects given the rate of infection has been increasing in Wandsworth - Test Test Test and keep following the NHS guidance
Held the last Equality and Fairness commission virtual town Hall on the subject of Education and Employment equality in Wandsworth - no surprises that it isn't fair but we all learned a lot about refugees, the difficulty in getting good work experience and juggling learning as a parent
Attended the first in person Full council meeting and presented a motion asking for better promotion of Healthy Start vouchers. The cabinet member promised to look into it, so I won't hold my breath ... but at least it wasn't voted against
Reported a couple of the #MattressesOfTooting and still can not fathom why and how people continue to do this
Helped the recently homeless in a search to find accommodation and support
Resolved and worked to resolve resident issues and concerns about the street scene, rubbish, school streets and rat running
Discussed disused telephone boxes, the High Street and homelessness with residents
Enquired about when the pocket park will actually open - (I can not wait)
Applauded Dawn Butler MP for calling out Boris Johnson in the commons, felt concerned about the new NICE recommendation for Black and brown pregnant women, did my day jobs and sadly had to put my cat to sleep 😭
Thats all folks!