With the cost of living increasing so much for everyday things it was with great reticence that I turned on my central heating this week. Winter is not longer coming, its here!
I'm a 'hot blooded' woman. I like tropical heat and my thermostat at 20 degrees, but even I'm turning it down by 2, turning on the washing machine at 7pm, utilising several hot water bottles, wearing more clothes and using more blankets at home. I am grateful to have a roof over my head at this point.
A rundown on how I have been working for you this past fortnight:
Fed into the Voluntary Sector Service meeting with other organisations working in Food. Most of Wandsworth's groups are concerned about the rise in need at the same time that national government is making a tonne of cuts
Brought a motion to full council asking for agreement to support people affected by the £20 benefit cut and other costs. Of course it was denied. (See the motion below)
Got the clock on Tooting library rewound so it's telling the right time - That annoys me a lot!
Attended the London Child Poverty Summit and learned more about the struggles families are faced this September for school uniforms amongst other things
Spoke at the Co-operative Party Women's event about my experiences pre and in politics. Hopefully it encourages more women to get involved in politics
Met with other Feeding Britain projects to discuss rural hunger and food insecurity
Unveiled the newest Blue Plaque on Tootings Mixed Blessings bakery with a reggae legend Dennis Bovell
Attended the start of the Tower Hamlets Co-operative commission as a commissioner.
Gave a talk about how local councils can promote the Right to Food at Westminster University. Sign up here to support the Right to Food and get in touch if you would like to see Wandsworth become a right to food borough.
Attended the Grants committee which was completed in record time. Next Wandsworth Grant fund deadline is tomorrow
Reported a lot of pavement and road defects, got a parking fine rescinded,
Knocked on a lot of doors talking to Wandsworth citizens about local issues: Housing, Bike racks, School Streets, 2022....
Requested some flytipping cameras near a local school
Finally - not Councillor work - But fun nevertheless - We held our Friday community meal from the Top Deck of the bus. So much joy!
Did my day jobs, was a good sibling and had several trips on the London Food Bus, because..
Thats all folks!